We dare !
Together we light up the future. together - one soul
Less'n'more and next,
these are two brands with bold luminaire design.
But much more than that, it's WE - the people behind them. And: WE are joining forces.
We have found each other and think we are special. We like to talk but we like to do even more. We think alike and work alike.
We learn from each other and grow together. We love Cologne like a common Kölsch and we always listen to our gut feeling - and want to remain courageous.
That's why we dare to do everything together from now on. The product worlds will remain independent, but as a team we will become one.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Yours sincerely, next and Less'n'more Team.
Please also visit our Less'n'more page